On the problem of determining the subject of the crime Art. 200.4 of the Criminal code
( Pp. 233-235)

More about authors
Prokhorov Eric A. aspirant
Moscow Region State University
The article reveals the content of the crime, considers its presence in relation to the content of Art. 200.4 of the Criminal code. The article reveals the content of the object provided by article. 200.4 of the criminal code and draws attention to the lack of material substrate in the content of public relations, protected by the rules of this article, and therefore, the subject of the crime. The author's understanding of the crime subject is given.
How to Cite:
Prokhorov E.A., (2018), ON THE PROBLEM OF DETERMINING THE SUBJECT OF THE CRIME ART. 200.4 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 233-235.
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