Features of protection of housing rights of children with special legal status
( Pp. 61-66)

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Letova Natalia Valerievna d-r yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: Veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Institute of State and Law RAS
Task. The author of the article has set a task to reveal the peculiarities of realization of housing rights of a child with a special legal status. Model. To solve this theoretical problem it is necessary to study the housing rights of a child raised in a full family, an orphan child and a child left without parental care. Summary. Features of implementation of housing rights of the child are caused by existence at it of the special legal status and a set of the legal facts provided by norms of the housing and family legislation of the Russian Federation. The scope of the study. The relations in the sphere of family law and housing law of the Russian Federation are defined. Practical importance. Determining the specifics of the implementation of the child's housing rights depending on the special status of the child will allow develop effective mechanisms for the protection of the rights of the child in practice. Social consequence. Determining the uniqueness of the implementation of the child's right to housing identifying the features of its protection taking into account the basis of the emergence of housing relations and the presence of a special status of the child namely orphans and children left without parental care will eliminate in practice existing violations of children's rights in the housing sector. The originality and the value. The study of the child's housing rights will make it possible to formulate the norms of housing legislation taking into account the peculiarities of his or her special status. An analysis of the existing legislation providing additional guarantees in terms of housing for children with special status will reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the relevant provisions in practice.
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