Discretion extent for subjects of housing legal relations
( Pp. 45-53)

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Karyaginа Veronica Sergeevna
Russian State University of Justice
Kazan Branch, Kazan, Russian Federation
The actual growth of interest in the Russian legal science to the problems of discretion due to its having been widely used in legislation and acts of a court practice predetermines the need for a theoretical study of the category of discretion extent within housing law, which is of a special importance not only for legal science generally, but also for law enforcement practice, as well as for further improvement of housing legislation. The purpose of the paper is a comprehensive study of discretion extent for subjects of housing relations on the basis of the analysis of the legal nature of the category of discretion within housing law and determining its place in the arrangement of legal regulation of housing relations. The methodological basis of the research consists of both General scientific methods (dialectical method, induction, deduction, analogy, analysis, synthesis) and special methods of scientific research - systemic, comparative legal and complex methods of scientific knowledge. A system method of research has made it possible both to define the place of category of discretion in the arrangement of legal regulation of housing relations, to reveal the specificity of its regulatory function as well as protective power of its limits. As a part of the research a comparative legal method was widely used which is of a special value for a deeper research of the essential nature of the category of discretion within housing law; it allowed to provide the features of the legal nature of this category. The complex method has made it possible to give a comprehensive definition of the application of the category of discretion extent in the legal regulation of the most important types of housing relations (property, obligation and corporate types), as well as related theoretical and practical issues. The result of the research can be considered as the conclusion that the discretion of the subjects of housing relations is limited in many respects, dependent on both the need to take into account rights and legitimate interests of other subjects, and the peculiarities of the housing legal regime as an object of housing rights, which determines the purpose of the right to this very object. The external performance of this feature is in the dominant mandatory nature of legal regulation of housing relations, aimed primarily at protecting public interests. Discretion as a stage of implementation of subjective housing law is allied to different elements of the arrangement of legal regulation of housing relations (norm, legal relationship, contract, etc.). However, the regulatory impact of discretion in the housing sphere is quite often of its indirect nature, being associated with the need to apply for the implementation of subjective housing rights to the competent public authorities. The discretion extent for subjects of housing legal relations is a type of legal restrictions fixed in normative legal acts of the housing legislation through the use of special legal arrangements, it establishes the boundaries within which subjects of housing legal relations acquire the possibility of volitional choice of the optimal model of behavior. Normative limits of discretion of housing legal relations subjects are established by mandatory provisions of housing legislation. As universal limits of discretion of subjects of real, obligatory and corporate legal relations arising concerning premises are to be determined both rights and legitimate interests of other persons and purpose of subjective housing rights. A model contract acts as a legal arrangement of limiting the discretion freedom of housing relations subjects. Techniques and methods of legal regulation are also the limit of discretion of housing relations subjects in the process of concluding contracts in the housing sphere. A special category allowing to take into account interests mentioned is the category of «consent», the special importance of which is established in the contract of social rent by law for the obligation relations. The action of the principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of housing relations is observed on the example of legislative regulation of the order of settling in the premises occupied under contract of social rent. Herewith the means of differentiation is the category of consent, the main function of which is to determine the degree of public legal impact on the relevant housing relations. The conclusion is based on the research of legislative consolidation of the category of discretion, court practice of application of relevant legal norms, modern scientific research in the field of civil and housing law. The theoretical results of the research can be used for the development of civil law theory, the implementation of subjective rights, further studies of discretion in the arrangements of housing rights, in law enforcement practice. The paper can be of an interest for scientists, officials of judicial and other law enforcement agencies, students studying the specialty «Jurisprudence».
How to Cite:
Karyaginа V.S., (2019), DISCRETION EXTENT FOR SUBJECTS OF HOUSING LEGAL RELATIONS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 45-53.
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limits of discretion extent, housing legal relationship, arrangement of legal regulation of housing relations, limits of subjective housing rights performance, legal regime of premises, mandatory norm, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, model contract.

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