Legal regulation of annual additional (special) paid holidays in Russia and Germany
( Pp. 78-84)

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Chulkova Ekaterina A. soiskatel; starshiy yurist
JSC «ANCOR»; Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
The article deals with the legal regulation of annual additional (special) paid holidays in Russia and Germany. The purpose of this article is to analyze the legislation of Germany, regulating the annual additional paid leave, for the possible use of our country's positive experience of Germany in the legal regulation of this area of relations. The subject of the study are the norms of labor legislation of the Russian Federation and Germany, regulating the annual additional paid leave. The methodology of the study consists of General scientific dialectical method of cognition of objective reality, comparative legal, logical-legal methods, as well as observation, analysis, generalization and some others. The value of the article is that the author analyzes the fundamental normative acts of Germany, regulating the issues of providing additional paid annual leave. The correlation of the provisions of Russian and German legislation in this area is considered; the question of regulation of the named type of holidays by acts of social partnership is studied - that emphasizes originality of article. The author believes that there is a need to eliminate gaps in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation on the types, procedure for granting, payment of annual additional leave and other issues related to this. Based on the results of this work, the author concludes that in matters of the procedure for granting, payment and other aspects of annual additional leave should take into account the specifics of the activities of employees for whom such guarantees are established. According to the author, it is possible to provide only in special regulation on industry and (or) local levels, but of course you have a minimal amount of guarantees provided to higher levels of legal regulation.
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