«Electronic work record card»: concept, aftereffect of their implementation
( Pp. 97-100)

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Zubova Alevtina Olegovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Department of Social Systems and Law
Korolev Samara National Research University
Samara, Russia
The purpose of the study: starting from January 1, 2020, Russia starts using of electronic registration of work experience. This process is known as «electronic work record card». The article analyzes the correctness of this term. The author examines the positive and negative aspects of electronic labor registration. Conclusions: it is proposed to bring the conceptual framework into compliance at the legislative level (introduce the term «electronic work record card»), otherwise employees may misunderstand the process of forming information about their work in electronic form. Certainly, the process of electronic recording of work experience has many advantages, but the practice of applying this experience has also shown its disadvantages. The problem of digital development is seen in the fact that employees do not have adequate information about the transition to digital labor registration. First of all, employees are not explained what the pros and cons of this transition are as well as there is no understanding of the difference between a paper work record and information about the work of a registered person, which are maintained in electronic format. It seems that this kind of information should be provided by employers who receive it from public authorities. In addition, labor relations in the modern world cannot exist qualitatively without the introduction of digital systems and the transition of recording an employee's labor activity to an electronic format is only the beginning of the digital way. However, we can already see the problematic aspects of this process, which cannot be eliminated without the intervention of the legislator.
How to Cite:
Zubova A.O., (2020), «ELECTRONIC WORK RECORD CARD»: CONCEPT, AFTEREFFECT OF THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 97-100.
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e-document management, electronic work record card, employee's labor activity accounting, digitalization of labor relations.

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