Features of the legal status of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
( Pp. 108-110)
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Saybulaeva Saida Ahmedovna
kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Dagestanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Podrazdelenie: kafedra «Pravovoe obespechenie upravleniya»
Dagestan state University
Dagestan state University
The purpose of this article is to examine topical issue of the role and importance of the Constitutional Court of Russia in the state mechanism. In the course of this study analyzed numerous regulatory acts and scientific work. Marked features of the legal status of the Federal body of the constitutional control, which determine his unique multifaceted legal nature. The findings of the study allow to characterize the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a Federal state body with specific powers and jurisdictional authority for the protection of the Russian Constitution, not only as a judicial body, which ultimately determines its special place in the Russian state mechanism.
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Reference list:
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