Dual citizenship as a constitutional and legal institution of state security
( Pp. 34-37)

More about authors
Samoilov Vasily Dmitrievich d-r ped. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: professor
General Staff Academy of the RF Armed Forces Solovieva Marina L’vovna Dolzhnost: nachalnik otdela
Directorate of MIA Russia
Task: the solution to the problem of realization of human rights to obtain dual citizenship of different States is due to the contradiction of individual rights and freedoms of individual citizens with the national interests of the state. For Russia, the issues of multiple citizenship are predetermined by the evolution of mass migration flows. Therefore, the task of finding balanced solutions to the problems of dual citizenship determines the importance of relevant scientific and applied constitutional and legal research. Methodology: the systematization of the substantiated arguments of Russian legal scholars, the use of methods of formal legal and comparative legal analysis of the existing norms of the Russian law and judicial practice allowed to highlight the features of dual citizenship as a constitutional and legal institution of state security. Conclusions: dual citizenship in Russia plays an important role constitutional and legal institution ensuring the security of the state on the basis of identified Federal law prohibitions regarding the rights of nationals-related threats to national security. Significance: the reasoned theses determine the importance of continuous research of the rights of bipatrides and the corresponding threats to national security. Value: the conclusions of the work are intended for use in further development of the application of the Institute of dual citizenship in the system of security of the state.
How to Cite:
Samoilov V.D., Solovieva M.L., (2018), DUAL CITIZENSHIP AS A CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL INSTITUTION OF STATE SECURITY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 34-37.
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