The estimation of international legal and constitutional regulation of the right to dignity
( Pp. 35-39)
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Stalnova Anastasia Sergeevna.
Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra konstitucionnogo prava imeni N.V. Vitruka
Russian State University of Justice
Russian State University of Justice
The article is a study of theoretical and practical aspects of the regulation of the legal category "human dignity" at the international legal and constitutional levels. International legal acts and constitutions of foreign countries are analyzed in order to develop the existing theoretical approaches and expand the understanding of the modern understanding of the legal category of human dignity. As a result, it is concluded that there is no uniform approach in the practice of fixing the category of human dignity. At the same time, the study allowed to identify the key elements of the complex legal category of human dignity: respect, protection, protection, inviolability, inviolability and guarantee of dignity.
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Reference list:
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