The story of the special security forces of Russia of the XIX century
( Pp. 111-114)

More about authors
Boitsov Y.V. aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Mezhregionalnyy institut ekonomiki i prava pri MPA EvrAzES. Podrazdelenie: kafedra teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava.
Interregional Institute of Economics and law at the EurAsEC IPA Mayurov N.P. d-r yurid. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: zaveduyuschiy kafedroy. Mesto raboty: Mezhregionalnyy institut ekonomiki i prava pri MPA EvrAzES. Podrazdelenie: kafedra gosudarstvennogo i administrativnogo prava.
Interregional Institute of Economics and law at the EurAsEC IPA Makarov D.A. kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Mezhregionalnyy institut ekonomiki i prava pri MPA EvrAzES. Podrazdelenie: kafedra gosudarstvennogo i administrativnogo prava
Interregional Institute of Economics and law at the EurAsEC IPA
The article considers problems of development of law enforcement agencies in the Russian Empire of the XIX century are Studied the peculiarities of formation and competence of the Third Department of his Imperial Majesty's Chancellery. Examines the place and role of special services in the system of law enforcement. The evolution of the bodies of the "secret police" in the Russian Empire.
How to Cite:
Boitsov Y.., Mayurov N.., Makarov D.., (2017), THE STORY OF THE SPECIAL SECURITY FORCES OF RUSSIA OF THE XIX CENTURY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 111-114.
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