( Pp. 12-13)
More about authors
Chistyakov Vladimir Vsevolodovich
professor, glavnyy redaktor
Yur-VAK Publishing House Yastrebova Elena V. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; General Director “Yur-VAK” Publishing house. E-mail: leg_journal@list.ru
Yur-VAK Publishing House Yastrebova Elena V. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; General Director “Yur-VAK” Publishing house. E-mail: leg_journal@list.ru
The article presents the concepts of extremism and terrorism illustrated by examples. It states the October Revolution to be an experiment on the Russian people generated by unresolved for centuries social contradictions. It analyzes reasons for World Wars I and II breakouts. The reader’s attention is focused on the mutual aggression of states as a reason for World War III start. The memoirs of the military commander of Chernobyl are cited as a warning to people what can World War III bring.
How to Cite:
Chistyakov V.V., Yastrebova E.V., (2019), TERRORISM IS A REVEAL OF THE WORLD WAR. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 12-13.
Reference list:
CHistyakov V.V. Kochesokova Z.KH. Problemnye voprosy iskoreneniya terrorizma na Severnom Kavkaze i puti ikh razresheniya Problemy ekonomiki i yuridicheskoy praktiki №3 2019, str.13-15
A. Minkin CHernobyl . Samoe podkhodyashchee mesto dlya prezidentov Moskovskiy komsomolets 21.06.2019
A. Minkin CHernobyl . Samoe podkhodyashchee mesto dlya prezidentov Moskovskiy komsomolets 21.06.2019