Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №4 2019
Issue №4 2019
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-260 Prev Next
TERRORISM IS A REVEAL OF THE WORLD WAR Elena V. Yastrebova Vladimir V. Chistyakov 1. VIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "CURRENT ISSUES OF CRIMINAL LAW, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL EXECUTIVE LAW: THEORY AND PRACTICE" Review of the VIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology and criminal Executive law: theory and practice» Yeltsov Vladimir N. Some aspects of organizational and administrative reasons for the formation of the identity of a corrupt criminal Kuznecova Olga Alekseevna Shunyaeva Vera A. TYPES OF PUBLIC INSULT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF AUTHORITY Larin Victor Yurevich On the issue of unification of the environmental impact assessment procedure in the Arctic States Boganova Ella Yurevna Problems of involving minors in the use and distribution of narcotic drugs Popova Elena A. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN the CONTEXT of JUDICIAL REFORM IN RUSSIA Popova Nadezhda A. Criminal personality: criminal law, criminological and criminalistic aspects Potapov Sergey A. Substantive and procedural aspects of the Prosecutor's participation in criminal proceedings Kozodaeva Olesya N. Orzhanova Tatiana Magometovna The problems of the institution of probation in the national criminal legislation Koltsov Mikhail I. Corruption manifestations as a threat to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation Vorobeva Svetlana V. Vorobyov Artem Victorovich Features of the criminal legislation of Russia for violation of the right to freedom of worship and religions of Russia in the XVII beginnings of the 20th centuries and judicial practice of application of its some provisions Kokorev Vladimir Gennadyevich. Position: assistant. Place of employment: Tambov s Kokorev Vladimir G. Realization of system approach to counteraction to terrorism in Russia Revin Valeriy Petrovich Crime prevention in the sphere of computer information Paramonov Andrej V. Plotnikova Tatyana V. Formation of system idea of counteraction to terrorism in Russia as threats of national security Revina Valeria Valerievna 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings The place and role of the institution of presidency in the system of state authorities: foreign and Russian experience Kuchenin Evgeny Sergeevich Loshkarev Igor Olegovich Grounds for and procedure for early termination of powers of the head of the Russian state and foreign leaders: a comparative legal analysis Loshkarev Igor Olegovich Kuchenin Evgeny Sergeevich The influence of bureaucracy on the functioning of the state apparatus Russia Alokova Marjana Khamidbievna 3. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Actual aspects of modern theory and practice of judicial interpretation and application of general principles of law Umnova-Koniukhova Irina A. Rule of law principle: evolution of doctrines of legal understanding in national and international law Umnova-Koniukhova Irina A. Nikolaev Vladimir Alexandrovich TO THE QUESTION OF THE RESTRICTION OF THE RIGHTS OF UNDERGROUND PERSONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Belov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Egorova Elena Viktorovna Kulazhenkova Natalia Vasilyevna Loshkareva Irina Aleksandrovna Legal principles of civil defense in the Russian Federation Avetisyan Arsen Avetikovich 4. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW Some legal guarantees of investor protection under the new 2019 PRC “Foreign Investment Law” and China's intergovernmental agreements: comparison with some approaches of Russian law Ksenia M.Belikova Problems of ensuring the protection of women for whom violence has been committed Letova Natalia Valerievna On the issue of the application of the limitation period in cases of bringing persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability for the impossibility of full repayment of creditors' claims Petrushkin Vitaly Anatolyevich The consent of the parents (adopter, trustee) as a condition of the validity of the transaction made by a minor, aged 14 to 18 years Victoria V. Belozertseva ON THE CONCEPT OF THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PERSONS CONTROLLING THE DEBTOR AND THE CHARACTERISTICS OF CRITERIA OF CONSCIENTIOUSNESS AND RATIONALITY IN THEIR ACTIONS Goncharova Angelina Viktorovna Maslennikova Ludmila Vladimirovna E-COMMERCE: HISTORICAL ASPECT AND CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF LEGISLATION Tatarkanov Timur Khasanovich 5. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law Improvement of property taxation Nemykina Olesya Evgenyevna Golubeva Aleksandra Andreevna 6. Corporate law; Energy law Concept of legislative reform of insolvency in Germany and Russia: comparative analysis Shishmareva Tatiana Petrovna Legal nature of the temporary administration as a body of the corporation in the event of participation of the Bank of Russia or the Deposit Insurance Agency in the implementation of measures to prevent bankruptcy of credit institutions Kobenia Roman R. 7. Criminal law and criminology; Criminal enforcement law THE DRAFT OF THE NEW CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN CONFEDERATIONS. COMMON PART. CHAPTER IX. THE PURPOSE OF PUNISHMENT AND A CRIMINAL RECORD Malinin Vasiliy Borisovich About influence of the constitutional principles on process of formation of systems of the branch principles (for example, the Criminal code of the Russian Federation) Ekaterina E. Cherednichenko PHENOMENON «JUSTIFICATION OF EVIL»: CRIMINAL LEGAL AND CRIMINOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Smirnov Alexander M. DETERMINANTS AND MEASURES OF PREVENTION OF IMPROFITMENTAL APPLICATION TO CONDEMNATED PHYSICAL FORCES AND SPECIAL MEANS OF EMPLOYEES OF CORRECTIVE INSTITUTIONS Smirnov Alexander M. On the impact of the use of information technologies in the commission of crimes on the criminal law policy Borovikov Valery B. Borovikova Victoria V. The influence of various schools criminal law on the development of the patterns of criminal law Andrianov Vladimir Konstantinovich On the issue of responsibility for the commission of crimes of corruption Marina K. Kumysheva Qualification of inducement to commit suicide and assistance in its commission in the presence of signs of set of criminal acts Filippova Svetlana V. Problems of action in connection with blanket rules providing for criminal liability for tax violations Nikolaeva Zhanna A. PROBLEMS OF LEGISLATIVE REGULATION OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SPECIAL TYPES OF FRAUD Denisov Artur Borisovich. Haperskaya Kristina Sergeevna Topical issues of improving the efficiency of the Russian legislation on liability for knowingly unjust court decision Zenina Larisa Serafimovna 8. Criminal procedure On the issue of legislative regulation and practice of application of preventive measures, elected by a court decision in the criminal process of Russia Novikova Ekaterina Anatolyevna Eduard A. Vinokurov Lukyanchikova Viktoriya Viktorovna Arkhiptsev Ivan N. TERMINATION OF A CRIMINAL CASE AS A FORM OF ITS RESOLUTION: THE ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT Mamontov Anton Gennadevich CLASSIFICATION OF THE REDUCED PROCEDURES OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS: PECULIARITIES AND GENERALIZATION OF THE POSITIVE EXPERIENCE OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION Gubarev Ivan Sergeevich RELEVANT ISSUES THAT ARISE IN DETERMINING THE ENTITY OF THE JUDICIAL FINE, AS MEASURES OF CRIMINAL-LEGAL NATURE Soloviev Alexander Georgievich PARTICIPATION OF THE PROSECUTOR IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Belozerova Irina Ivanovna Kalamov Zhannur Sarsenuly CASSATION PROCEEDINGS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND TURKMENISTAN Soyunhanov Begenchmyrat IMPROVEMENT OF CUSTOMS REGULATION: ON THE STRATEGIC CONCEPT OF THE DIGITAL CUSTOMS OF THE WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION Sergei V. Mozer 10. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities IMPROVEMENT OF INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL ACTIVITY OF PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kolomoets Igor Ivanovich Stepanov Oleg Anatolevich 11. Information Law Legal Aspects of Quantum Communications: New Frontiers Naumov Victor Borisovich Stankovskiy Gleb Victorovich Actual questions of legal regulation of databases which are formed and used in a sphere of state and municipal management Boyarintseva Olga Anatolievna 12. Administrative law; Administrative process Problematic aspects of the strategic planning documents of the municipalities Gorlanov Gennadiy Vasilievich Ashin Dmitriy Mikhailovich Dekhanov Aleksandr S. On the issues of order and subjective concretization of administrative procedural rules in the mosaic legislation (based on the analysis of the book of the Old Testament) Dmitry V. Ivanov Problems of administrative and legal regulation of countering the sanctions policy of the EU and the USA in the twentieth century (historical analysis) Dolendzhashvili Georgii Tamazievich Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna