Victimological aspects of digitalization of modern Russian society
( Pp. 125-129)

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Aisha A. Gadzhieva Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor, associate professor of the Crimila law and State law Disciplines Department, . Hirsh Index - 8
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russian Federation Sinodov Ivan A. Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Internal Affairs Bodies in the special conditions of the center of command and staff exercises
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation
The author of the given article attempts to bring to the scientific discussion new problem- the problem of victimological aspects of digitalization of the modern society. Trying to emphasize the cross-sectoral nature of this problem, the author aims to stress the issues of protection and security of victims of a crime in the conditions of the total digitalization of the society. The research of the problem defines the parity and dualistic nature of the digitalization of the society as an main object of victimological research,at the same time it states that victimological research of the digitalization should be based on the broad concept of "the victim of crime", and its operationally narrow meaning can be applied only for specific types of the computer -related crimes. On the one hand the author figures out that the process of the digitalization is a process of digital innovations, and on the other hand it is a virtual system where both individuals and communities, and also high technologies and computer programs are faced to risks and vulnerabilities. Therefore, the digitalization is a new opportunity for the future generation and at the same time a factor of their subsequent victimization. According to that the author proposes to establish a strict control over digital technologies and to create a specialized body that along with control functions will provide advice and training to the potential victims in order to prevent their victimization in the digital environment. Purpose: to study the impact of the digitalization on the society and nations, to reveal its victimological aspect, to define the victim’s starting point in the digital environment,to identify the specificity of the factors contributing to the victimization and to suggest different ways of ensuring victimological security in the digital society. The research is based using the following methods and techniques of the scientific knowledge: historical, logical, comparative methods, statistical analysis, specific sociological methods: informal conversations with specialists, interviews of victims of crimes of the information environment. The scope of the results. The results of the research can be used in the way of prevention from crimes and law violations in the information environment, in the development of program measures to counteract them, in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions, as well as in the educational process on the law faculties.
How to Cite:
Aisha A.G., Sinodov I.A., (2020), VICTIMOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DIGITALIZATION OF MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETY. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 125-129.
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digitalization of a society, victims of a crime in a digital society, factors of the victimization, vulnerability of the digitalization, victimological security.

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