( Pp. 115-121)

More about authors
Polovchenko Konstantin A. Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Constitutional Law
MGIMO University
Moscow, Russian Federation
The history of Serbian constitutionalism in the 19th century is the history of the struggle of the Serbian people for independence. The first Serbian Constitution was the constitutional document of Autonomous entity (the Serbian Principality) in the Ottoman Empire. The Constitution of 1835 was adopted on the model of the advanced constitutions of the first half of the century. However, she is an original document. Constitution of 1835 contains a classic structural elements: bases of organization of power in the Serbian Principality, and also the regulation of legal status of the individual, which analysis is presented in this article.
How to Cite:
Polovchenko K.A., (2017), THE FIRST CONSTITUTION OF THE SERBIAN PRINCIPLE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 115-121.
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