( Pp. 152-157)

More about authors
Bondar Anton Gennadievich Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement Organization, police captain.
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The article is devoted to the study of the historical laws of corruption processes in different time periods of the development of human society. The article gives examples of the existence of the pernicious phenomenon of corruption in the time interval from ancient times to modern times with a breakdown into eras. The author reproduces the relationship of historical personalities, society and state institutions in the era of antiquity, the dark ages, the early and late Middle Ages, the era of rebirth, new and modern times. From the historical aspect the author smoothly takes the reader to the question of researching corruption in the socio-economic aspect. The article presents a number of conditions and prerequisites for the emergence of corruption in the social and economic spheres. The relevance of this work is manifested in the understanding of corruption determinants as well as drawing conclusions that have practical significance for the law enforcement of modern times.
How to Cite:
Bondar A.G., (2019), CORRUPTION: HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-ECOMIC ASPECTS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 152-157.
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