( Pp. 261-264)

More about authors
Kasimov Vadim Olegovich aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya yuridicheskaya akademiya. Podrazdelenie: kafedra prokurorskogo nadzora i kriminologii.
Saratov state law Academy
In the article the author explores the criminological peculiarities of crimes committed by women in adulthood. Installed some of the behaviors women offenders, their motivations with regard to age. The conclusions made by the author based on the data of official criminal statistics of Russia, results of the conducted criminological research, including a survey of females of Mature age serving sentences in places of deprivation of freedom, the analysis of materials of criminal cases. The main objective was to obtain new important criminological knowledge about the identity of the female criminals of Mature age. Information obtained on the basis of self-conducted criminological research can be used in law enforcement in preventing crimes.
How to Cite:
Kasimov V.O., (2017), CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR OF WOMEN IN ADULTHOOD: MODERN STATUS AND FEATURES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 261-264.
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