( Pp. 256-257)

More about authors
Shkhagapsoeva Marianna Khasanovna kand. ped. nauk, mayor policii. Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra organizacii pravoohranitelnoy deyatelnosti.
Krasnodar university of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasian institute for Advanced Studies
A police officer, due to the specificity of his professional activity, is experiencing an increased level of extremism, he faces daily situations when it is necessary to make a choice that directly affects the life and well-being of other people and himself. Often it is based on the fact that you have to compare good and bad, and become one of the parties. A person is told a lot about his actions and especially when it is necessary to stand on the side of good or evil, and this is called a moral choice. An example is the confrontation between loyalty and betrayal, help or indifference, and so on. From early childhood, parents tell their children what is good and what's bad. The moral choice of a person depends on his character, specific situation, upbringing and other important aspects.
How to Cite:
Shkhagapsoeva M.K., (2017), ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY OF SELECTION IN THE CONDITIONS OF EXTREME SITUATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 256-257.
Reference list:
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