On the issue of state regulation of companies with state participation
( Pp. 207-212)

More about authors
Albert V. Pavlyuk
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Russian Foreign Ministry
Moscow, Russian Federation Veryga Valeriy Lvovich yurist
LLC "SP Consulting"
Moscow, Russia
In the article, the authors analyze the existing legal gaps and problems of public administration that arise in the framework of state regulation of corporations with state participation. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that in connection with the economic sanctions imposed in 2014 against the Russian Federation, civil servants, managers and owners of large enterprises, the Russian Federation suffered multibillion-dollar economic losses. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that broke out in 2019 has worsened the economic situation in Russia. According to the authors, it is corporations with state participation that can become the locomotive that will help solve the stagnation in the economy. However, to do this, it is necessary to review the existing approaches to state regulation of corporations with state participation. The authors analyzed the prerequisites for improving state regulation of corporations with state participation, which set the "corridor" of possible improvements. The authors also give specific proposals that can improve the effectiveness of state regulation of corporations with state participation.
How to Cite:
Albert V.P., Veryga V.L., (2020), ON THE ISSUE OF STATE REGULATION OF COMPANIES WITH STATE PARTICIPATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 207-212.
Reference list:
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government regulation, corporations, corporations with state participation, the Federal property management Agency, promotions, public property.

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