( Pp. 176-179)

More about authors
Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent
Ural State University of Economics
The article discusses current issues that arise in the process of applying video conferencing in the administration of justice. The lack of clear grounds and procedural order entail numerous violations, the impossibility of its full and effective use. In addition, the article discusses further prospects for the use of video conferencing systems in criminal cases.
How to Cite:
Ivanova E.V., (2019), DISTANCE JUSTICE: ADVANTAGES, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 176-179.
Reference list:
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Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Prinyata Vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabrya 1993 g. (v red. ot 21.07.2014) Elektronnyy resurs . Rezhim dostupa: www.constitution.ru.
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videoconferencing, distance justice, proceedings criminal case, principle of access to justice, direct research of evidence, admissibility of evidence.

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