The Sign of Illegality in the Structure of the Constitutional Right to Appeal the Actions and Decisions of Officials
( Pp. 40-44)

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Svetlana V. Gizyatova Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University; Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation Anatoly V. Kurochkin Cand. Sci.( Law), Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Politics), Professor; Naberezhnye Chelny Institute, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University; Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation
Annotation. The purpose of this article is to establish the theoretical and normative-legal features of the sign of illegality in different mechanisms for implementing the constitutional right to appeal the actions and decisions of officials under Russian legislation. The authors relied on several methodological approaches popular among legal scholars in the field of constitutional rights issues. In particular, the authors relied on theories of constitutionalization, legal institutionalization and legal formalization of the conditions for appealing against actions and decisions of officials. The systemic and formal-logical methods were also of methodological importance. They allowed analyzing examples from current Russian laws. Conclusion: the authors identified the features of the legal technique that predetermined the content of legislative norms. This is justified by the evolution of regulatory and legal material of different industry affiliations. The authors also focused on the variability of the mechanisms for implementing the constitutional right to appeal the actions and decisions of officials in the industry range. This allowed them to establish the conditions under which substantive and procedural grounds arise for seeking a judicial assessment of the contested actions and decisions.
How to Cite:
Gizyatova S. V., Kurochkin A. V. The Sign of Illegality in the Structure of the Constitutional Right to Appeal the Actions and Decisions of Officials // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2024. Vol. 20. № 6. P. 40-44. (in Russ.) EDN: XVXAZB
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right to appeal, constitutional right, actions and decisions of officials, mechanism for exercising subjective right..

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