Problems of Differentiation of Moral and Physical Harm
( Pp. 226-229)

More about authors
Blazhkova Tatyana Olegovna
Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The purpose of the study. The article analyzes the controversial issues of distinguishing moral harm from physical harm, in order to achieve an orderly understanding of the difference between these components, the need for which is due to the obligation to observe the principle of justice with respect to the rights of victims to compensation for harm received as a result of a violent crime. Conclusions. The author's position on the need to differentiate these concepts is given, the corresponding argumentation is established and conclusions are drawn, in particular, on the need to consider the categories of physical suffering and pain outside the framework of moral harm, due to the fact that these are the consequences of causing physical harm and relate directly to the latter.
How to Cite:
Blazhkova T.O. Problems of Differentiation of Moral and Physical Harm // Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023. Vol. 16. №7. Pp. 226-229. (in Russ.). EDN: SRKRXS
Reference list:
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moral harm, physical harm, object of crime, object of criminal law protection, harm to health, physical suffering, moral suffering, pain, violent crime, subject of crime, forensic medical examination, psychological and psychiatric forensic examination, harm..

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