Historical and Legal Aspects of Prosecutor’s Supervision of Intelligence Activities in the Russian Federation
( Pp. 205-216)
More about authors
A. Maydykov Andrey
Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor of the Department of Organization of Operational Investigative Activities
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Sarkisyan Gor Georgievich Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of organization of intelligence activities of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russia
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation Sarkisyan Gor Georgievich Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of organization of intelligence activities of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The relevance. The origin, formation and further development of prosecutorial supervision over intelligence activities as an independent scientific direction is dictated, first of all, by the emergence in the Russian Federation of an independent intelligence law. It was it that determined the need for not only an official, but also an unofficial doctrinal (scientific) interpretation of prosecutorial supervision of operational-investigative activities as an independent type, separating it into an independent legal direction.
Formulation of the problem. The article is devoted to the analysis of the essential problems of the historical and legal understanding of the organization of prosecutorial supervision over intelligence activities in the Russian Federation. The article describes the historical and legal aspects of the supervisory activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of Russia in relation to the intelligence activities. The correlation of the historical and legal understanding of the goals and objectives of prosecutorial supervision, in general, with the subject and limits of this type of supervision is analyzed, based on the scientific historical and legal understanding of the legal norms of various legal institutions. The ways of ensuring the rule of law in the intelligence activities are outlined through the prism of a comprehensive, expanded understanding of the essence of prosecutorial supervision of the intelligence activities at various stages of its formation, taking into account the goals and objectives in their relationship. The prosecutor’s supervision of the intelligence activities in the Russian Federation is considered as an integral, independent, rather separate direction of the prosecutor’s functions.
Purpose of the study. Based on the analysis of the accumulated experience and existing scientific approaches to prosecutorial supervision over the operational-search activities of the internal affairs bodies, characterize it and highlight the historical and legal aspects of prosecutorial supervision over the operational-search activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
Research methods: dialectics, hermeneutics, analysis, content analysis (in the selection and study of material on the topic); comparative legal (in the study of legal phenomena and theories of regulatory legal acts).
Results and key findings. As a result of the study, based on the analysis of practice and literature in the field of prosecutorial supervision of operational-investigative activities, the author’s edition outlines the historical and legal aspects of the supervisory activities of the Russian prosecutor’s office in relation to operational-investigative activities; conclusions are described on the correlation of the historical and legal understanding of the goals and objectives of prosecutorial supervision, in general, with the subject and limits of this type of supervision, based on the scientific historical and legal understanding of the legal norms of various legal institutions; outlined ways to ensure the rule of law in operational-investigative activities through the prism of a comprehensive, expanded understanding of the essence of prosecutorial supervision of operational-investigative activities at various stages of its formation, taking into account the goals and objectives in their relationship.
The author’s conclusion is made and substantiated about the expediency of building a systematic and consistent combination of functions, both law enforcement and human rights, including because the need for prosecutorial supervision of the legality of operational-search activities is determined not by general, but by special, sectoral means of supervision and control. specifics.
Formulation of the problem. The article is devoted to the analysis of the essential problems of the historical and legal understanding of the organization of prosecutorial supervision over intelligence activities in the Russian Federation. The article describes the historical and legal aspects of the supervisory activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of Russia in relation to the intelligence activities. The correlation of the historical and legal understanding of the goals and objectives of prosecutorial supervision, in general, with the subject and limits of this type of supervision is analyzed, based on the scientific historical and legal understanding of the legal norms of various legal institutions. The ways of ensuring the rule of law in the intelligence activities are outlined through the prism of a comprehensive, expanded understanding of the essence of prosecutorial supervision of the intelligence activities at various stages of its formation, taking into account the goals and objectives in their relationship. The prosecutor’s supervision of the intelligence activities in the Russian Federation is considered as an integral, independent, rather separate direction of the prosecutor’s functions.
Purpose of the study. Based on the analysis of the accumulated experience and existing scientific approaches to prosecutorial supervision over the operational-search activities of the internal affairs bodies, characterize it and highlight the historical and legal aspects of prosecutorial supervision over the operational-search activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
Research methods: dialectics, hermeneutics, analysis, content analysis (in the selection and study of material on the topic); comparative legal (in the study of legal phenomena and theories of regulatory legal acts).
Results and key findings. As a result of the study, based on the analysis of practice and literature in the field of prosecutorial supervision of operational-investigative activities, the author’s edition outlines the historical and legal aspects of the supervisory activities of the Russian prosecutor’s office in relation to operational-investigative activities; conclusions are described on the correlation of the historical and legal understanding of the goals and objectives of prosecutorial supervision, in general, with the subject and limits of this type of supervision, based on the scientific historical and legal understanding of the legal norms of various legal institutions; outlined ways to ensure the rule of law in operational-investigative activities through the prism of a comprehensive, expanded understanding of the essence of prosecutorial supervision of operational-investigative activities at various stages of its formation, taking into account the goals and objectives in their relationship.
The author’s conclusion is made and substantiated about the expediency of building a systematic and consistent combination of functions, both law enforcement and human rights, including because the need for prosecutorial supervision of the legality of operational-search activities is determined not by general, but by special, sectoral means of supervision and control. specifics.
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Reference list:
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Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Sobr. 3. T. 28. Otdel. 2. States and timesheets. to № 30672.
Law of the Russian Federation of 04/01/1993 № 4730-1 (as amended on 12/27/2019) «On the State Border of the Russian Federation» // Gazette of the SND and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.1993. № 17. Art. 594.
Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 № 5485-1 (as amended on July 29, 2018) «On State Secrets» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation.1997. № 41. Art. 8220-8235.
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Federal Law № 390-FZ of December 28, 2010 (as amended on February 6, 2020) «On Security» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2011. № 1. Art. 2.
Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation: dated 12/18/2001 № 174-FZ (as amended on 09/30/2020) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2000. № 52 (part I). Art. 4921.
The Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (approved by the Decree of the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the USSR of 05.12.1936) // News of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. 1936. № 283. (lost force).
The Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (adopted at the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the ninth convocation on October 7, 1977) // USSR Law of October 7, 1977 № 6367-IX “On the Procedure for Enacting the Constitution ( Basic Law) of the USSR. (lost power).
Law of the USSR of November 24, 1982 «On the state border of the USSR» // Bulletin of the USSR Armed Forces. 1982. № 48, Art. 891. (lost force).
Law of the USSR dated 16.05.1991 № 2159-1 «On state security agencies in the USSR» // Bulletin of the SND of the USSR and the USSR Armed Forces. 1991. № 22, Art. 630. (lost force).
Law of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1991 № 1026-1 (as amended on July 27, 2010) «On the Police» // Gazette of the Congress of the RSFSR People’s Commissariat and the RSFSR Supreme Court. 1991. № 16, Art. 503, 504. (lost).
Law of the USSR dated November 30, 1979 № 1162-X «On the Prosecutor’s Office of the USSR» // Bulletin of the USSR Armed Forces. 1979. № 49, art. 843. (lost force).
Law of the Russian Federation of March 5, 1992 № 2446-1 «On Security» // Vedomosti SND and RF Armed Forces.1992. № 15. Art. 769 (repealed).
Law of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 № 2506-1 (as amended on July 2, 1992) «On operational-investigative activities in the Russian Federation» // Vedomosti SND RF and RF Armed Forces. 1992. № 17. Art. 892. (lost force).
Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR (approved by the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on October 27, 1960) (as amended on December 29, 2001, as amended on November 26, 2002) // Vedomosti of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet. 1960. № 40. Art. 592. (lost force).
Charter of criminal proceedings of November 20, 1864 // SPS Consultant plus. (lost power).
Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR // Collection of legalizations of the RSFSR. 1922. № 44. P. 547. (lost validity).
The main provisions of the criminal proceedings of September 29, 1862 // ATP Consultant Plus. (lost power).
Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of May 28, 1922. Regulations on prosecutorial supervision. [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.law.edu.ru/orm/orm.asp?ormID=1381000 (date of access: 09/06/2022) (no longer valid).
Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of May 28, 1922 «Regulations on Prosecutorial Supervision». [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.law.edu.ru/orm/orm.asp? ormID=1381000 (date of access: 09/06/2022) (no longer valid).
Resolution of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR of October 24, 1991 № 1801-1 «On the Concept of Judicial Reform in the RSFSR» // Bulletin of the SND and the Supreme Court of the RSFSR.1991. № 44. Art. 1435 (lost power).
Agutin A.V., Kulikova G.L., Ageev A.N. Organization of prosecutorial supervision at the stage of initiating a criminal case: monograph. M., 2010.
Baskov V.I. History of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Empire / V.I. Baskov // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser. 11. «Right». 1997. № 2.
Baskov V.I. History of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Empire // Law. 1997. № 2.
Galchenko A.I. Historical aspects of the activities of the Russian prosecutor’s office to prevent violations of laws / A.I. Galchenko // Lex russica. 2017. № 9.
Dytchenko G.V. Development of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws in operational-search activities. (Bachelor’s degree, specialist’s degree, master’s degree, postgraduate study). M.: 2020.
Zharov S.N., Sprishevsky N.S. On the creation of a system of legal regulation of political and criminal investigation in Russia in the XIX - early XX centuries // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. 2012. № 20.
Zheleznyak N.S. On the problems of implementing the function of prosecutorial supervision in the operational-search activity // Operational-investigative law: coll. scientific Art. / resp. ed. N.V. Pavlichenko. Volgograd: VA Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2013.
Kozusev A.F. The powers of the prosecutor to oversee the implementation of laws in the operational-search activity II Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2010. № 10.
Litvinova I.V. Prosecutor’s supervision over observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the implementation of operational-search activities: dissertation ... candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.11. SPb., 2001.
Lubyanka. Bodies of the Cheka-OGPU-NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB. 1917-1991: reference book / ed. Academician A.N. Yakovlev; author-comp.: A.I. Kokurin, N.V. Petrov. M.: International Fund «Democracy», 2003.
Osipkin V.N. Theoretical, organizational and methodological problems of prosecutorial supervision of operational-search activities: dissertation ... candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.11. M., 1998.
Stories L.P. Punitive bodies in the process of formation and functioning of the administrative-command system in the Soviet state (1917-1941). Ufa, 1994.
Taranenko E.M., Koni A.F. About the prosecutor’s office: based on the works of A.F. Koni: Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference, May 24, 2002. Vladivostok: Publishing House of VGUES, 2003.
Foinitsky I.Ya. The course of criminal proceedings: in 2 volumes. T. 2. St. Petersburg: Alfa, 1996.
Chistyakov O.I. The Constitution of the USSR of 1924: Textbook. M.: Zertsalo-M, 2004.
Yudin E.G. Some questions of the history of the development of operational-search activity and its legal basis // Penal system: law, economics, management. 2016. № 5.
Prosecutor’s supervision, intelligence activities, goals and objectives of prosecutor’s supervision, historical and legal problems of prosecutor’s supervision, lawmaking, interdepartmental norms of law..
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