Reforming Constitutional Count of the Russian Federation and its Influence for Civil Proceedings
( Pp. 32-39)

More about authors
Aza V. Mankieva Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Legal Support of Government Activities
North Caucasus Institute (branch) of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation Mariya N. Shramkova Senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Support of Government Activities, the judge is honorably retired
North Caucasus Institute (branch) of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Abstract: In our country, modern public consciousness pays more and more attention to the work of courts of various instances. This is also due to the fact that the Russian system is actively developing, guarantees of respect for citizens' rights to fair judicial protection and independence of decisions made by courts are being strengthened, which is prescribed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The VII All-Russian Congress of Judges gave a definite impetus to development in this direction.
The main purpose of the study is to transform the instruments of Russian justice, to create a strategy for building a fair judicial system, which our society is waiting for. Higher courts and judges themselves, state and public structures, representatives of science could provide great assistance in solving this task, as well as in ensuring the objectivity and fairness of judicial decisions, and the independence of justice.
How to Cite:
Mankieva A.V., Shramkova M.N. Reforming Constitutional Count of the Russian Federation and its Influence for Civil Proceedings // Gaps in Russian Legislasion. 2024. Vol. 17. № 8. P. 32-39. (in Russ.) EDN: CMQVMO
Reference list:
Salomatin, A.Y. The Supreme Court of the USA. Judicial legal policy from J. J. to J. Roberts. A.Y. Salomatin. Moscow: RIOR, 2020. 659 p.
Smirnov, L.N. The Supreme Court of the USSR. L.N. Smirnov, V.V. Kulikov, B.S. Nikiforov. Moscow.: Legal literature, 2020. 424 p.
Gripp E.H., Yakhina Y.H. On the role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation: constitutional and legal aspects. The rule of law: theory and practice. 2015. Vol. 3. No. 41. Pp. 68–74. (In Rus.).
Gripp E.KH., YAkhina YU.KH. O roli Konstitutsionnogo suda Rossiyskoy Federatsii v zashchite prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: konstitutsionno-pravovye aspekty // Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika. 2015. T. 3. № 41. S. 68 74.
Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, judicial power, protection of rights and freedoms, judicial process, law enforcement practice, judicial proceedings.

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