Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №8 2024
Issue №8 2024
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-150 Prev Next
THEORETICAL AND HISTORICAL LEGAL SCIENCES Mechanisms for Ensuring National Security in Russia and Foreign Countries at the Present Stage: Historical and Legal Research Ivan V. Gusaim Denis Yu. Petrov Evgeniy O. Dmitriev From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 10. Police of the Russian Empire in suppressing abuses in the production of credit transactions, opening establishments for stamping and foundries without legal permission Nikolay G. Shurukhnov Diana N. Shurukhnova PUBLIC LAW (STATE LAW) SCIENCES Experimental Regulation of Russia's Foreign Trade in Goods in the Context of Eurasian Economic Integration Sergey V. Khalipov Reforming Constitutional Count of the Russian Federation and its Influence for Civil Proceedings Aza V. Mankieva Mariya N. Shramkova The Origin of Federalism in Russia Alexey I. Tsyretorov Andrey G. Anisimov Yuri V. Shelegov The Concept of «Placement» in Land, Urban Planning and other Branches of Legislation Pavel V. Sizintsev On the Question of the Mechanism for Ensuring Public Order Sergey N. Alekseev Pavel V. Remizov Andrey A. Salnikov The Concept and Structure of the Mechanism of Administrative and Legal Regulation of Public-Private Partnership in the Sphere of Monopolies Ruslan M. Ushakov PRIVATE LAW (CIVIL) SCIENCES Guarantees of the Right to Labor Protection in the Works of Domestic Legal Scholars Marina O. Buyanova Radiy A. Kraynov The Status and Current Problems of Legal Regulation of Publishing Activities in the Russian Federation Natalia V. Svechnikova Anton V. Gurko Oksana A. Kostyan Notarial Form of Real Estate Transactions: Trends in the Development of Russian Legislation Marina A. Sultanova Abutalib A. Jafarov CRIMINAL LAW SCIENCES Legal Regulation of the Prosecutor's Office and its Role in the Supervision of the Law Ivan P. Kravets Viktor N. Butchenko Sergey V. Krepak Forensic Characteristics of Incidents on Water Transport: Concepts, Classification, Features of the Inspection of the Scene and the Organization of the Investigation Oleg I. Lozinsky Features of Judicial Control when Selecting a Measure of Prevention in the Form of House Arrest Ramil Ya. Mamedov Issues of Criminal Liability for Encroachments on the Electoral Rights of Citizens in the Acts of Interpretation of the Highest Judicial Instances of the Russian Federation Ramil N. Kamalov An Analogy in Soviet Criminal Law Tatyana A. Isakova INTERNATIONAL LAW SCIENCES Decriminalising Drug Policy through the International Human Rights Dimension: Progress or Regression?2 Aslan H. Abashidze Anastasia A. Bagdatieva Protecting Environmental Migrants: Adapting International Law in the Face of Climate Change Ruzana Kh. Makoeva