Risks of the Formation of Public Spaces as Elements of Infrastructure and the Comfort of the Life of the Metropolis
( Pp. 258-266)

More about authors
Vladimir N. Alekseev
State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow» named after Yu. M. Luzhkov
Moscow, Russian Federation Vladislav A. Bukhtiyarov Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow named after Yu.M. Luzhkov
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University named after Y. M. Luzhkov
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article continues from the standpoint of a systematic approach to the study of the investment climate (system) through its components (subsystems). This study examines the risks (the third component) of the formation of public spaces as elements of infrastructure (the fourth component) and the comfort of life (the fifth component) of the investment climate. A variant of interaction and soft management of social risks in a megalopolis with the help of a creative cultural and educational cluster is proposed.
How to Cite:
Alekseev V. N., Bukhtiyarov V. А. Risks of the Formation of Public Spaces as Elements of Infrastructure and the Comfort of the Life of the Metropolis // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 3. P. 258-266. (in Russ.) EDN: ADJYKO
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public spaces, urban environment, risks, infrastructure, life comfort, investment climate, creative cultural and educational cluster..

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