Some Issues of the Use of Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Household Gas Explosions (On the Example of Mongolia)
( Pp. 134-138)
More about authors
Chinbat Altangerel
Senior Police Lieutenant, Adjunct
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Russian Federation
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Russian Federation
The growth of household gas consumption observed in Mongolia in recent years, significantly simplified the provision of household needs of citizens, but has also led to negative resulted in increasing number of household gas explosions, some of them occurring because of illegal acts. The vast majority (about 2/3 of cases) of household gas explosions in Mongolia occur because of toxicomania—a negative social phenomenon characterized by use volatile chemicals usage, which include psychoactive substances that cause a negative effect on the human central nervous system. Prevention of toxicomania is directly related to preclusive activities in relation to gas-air mixture explosions. It is stressed that in the course of countering crimes related to household gas explosions, internal affairs officers of Mongolia face a number of problems. They are connected to the lack of sound approaches used while selecting and appointing the inspections determining circumstances or characteristic signs of crimes related to household gas explosions. The solution of existing problems in this area requires the development of special knowledge usage algorithms, which depends on typical of investigations, as well as on the forensic capabilities of the law enforcement system of Mongolia. The author examines some problematic issues that arise during the investigation and prevention of household gas explosions in Mongolia, and suggests the main directions for their resolution both at the national, multinational and regional levels.
How to Cite:
Chinbat Altangerel Some Issues of the Use of Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Household Gas Explosions (On the Example of Mongolia) // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 2. P. 134-138. (in Russ.)
Reference list:
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Emergency situations during the operation of gas cylinders in the Russian Federation in 2021. Internet review «GASVECTOR» [Electronic resource]. // Access mode:Статистика-взрывов-газовых-баллонов-в-России-в-2021.pdf.
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Basanov V.V., Kravtsova A.N. Criminal law analysis of crimes related to explosions. // Bulletin of the KIGI RAS. —2013. —No. 4. —C. 130–133.
Belyakov A.A. Forensic explosive science. —Moscow: Yurayt, 2023. —242 p.
Reports of the Information and Analytical Department of the Main Police Department of Mongolia [Electronic resource]. // Access mode:
Fedorov A.Yu., Gorovoy V.V. Forensic explosion science as a system of special knowledge during the explosive expertise. // Legal science and law enforcement practice. —2008. —№ 2 (5). —Pp. 87–89.
Cheshko I.D., Plotnikov V.G. Analysis of expert versions of fire occurrence. In 2 books. Book 2 —St. Petersburg: SPbF FSBI VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, 2012. —364 p.
Chinbat A. On the use of special knowledge in the investigation of crimes related to household gas explosions in Mongolia. // Student of the Year 2022: collection of articles of the XXI International Research Competition. —Penza: ICNS «Science and Education». —2022. —pp. 152–153.
Emergency situations during the operation of gas cylinders in the Russian Federation in 2021. Internet review «GASVECTOR» [Electronic resource]. // Access mode:Статистика-взрывов-газовых-баллонов-в-России-в-2021.pdf.
Shumaev D.G. Matrix model of the object of tracological examination after the explosion. // Legal practice. —2020. —№ 1 (92). —Pp. 101–105.
explosion, household gas, investigation of explosions, gas cylinder, substance abuse, sniffing..
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