The Origin of Federalism in Russia
( Pp. 40-48)
More about authors
Alexey I. Tsyretorov
Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Department of Criminal Procedure
St. Petersburg University of the Russian Interior Ministry
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation Andrey G. Anisimov Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Department of Criminal Procedure and forensic science
Irkutsk institute (branch) of the all-Russian State University of Justice
Irkutsk, Russian Federation Yuri V. Shelegov Cand. Sci. (Law), Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Assoc. prof
East Siberian Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg University of the Russian Interior Ministry
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation Andrey G. Anisimov Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Department of Criminal Procedure and forensic science
Irkutsk institute (branch) of the all-Russian State University of Justice
Irkutsk, Russian Federation Yuri V. Shelegov Cand. Sci. (Law), Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Assoc. prof
East Siberian Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry
Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Abstract: Since the collapse of the USSR and up to the present time, Russia has been in search of an optimal political and legal model that would ensure the progressive development of the country. The question of the relationship between the general government and the regional government is one of the most acute in modern Russia. Throughout its history, Russia has been and remains a multiethnic and multi-religious country which was reflected in the nature of the relationship between the general government and the regional government. The history of world and domestic political and legal thought acts as a foundation for the contemporary theoretical quest, and the existing model often reflects the practices of the previous period. Although the study of federalism has now reached an advanced stage in many aspects, unfortunately, the works of many Russian pre-revolutionary legal scholars devoted to the study of federalism were banned and censored during the Soviet period and remain undeservedly forgotten. Studying their scientific heritage, original views on the essence and future of federalism in Russia, we have the opportunity to better understand the problems of modern Russia in the matter of building and implementing federalism.
How to Cite:
Tsyretorov A.I., Anisimov A.G. Shelegov Yu. V. The Origin of Federalism in Russia // Gaps in Russian Legislasion. 2024. Vol. 17. № 8. P. 40-48. (in Russ.) EDN: XUITDE
Reference list:
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Riker W. H. Federalism: origin, operation, significance. Riker. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1964.
Budilovich S.A. Mozhet li Rossiya sdat inorodtsam svoi okrainy. SPb., 1907. 75 s.
Volkhonskiy M.V. Natsional nyy vopros vo vnutrenney politike pravitel stva v gody pervoy russkoy revolyutsii // Otechestvennaya istoriya. 2005. № 5. S. 48 62.
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Kokoshkin F.F. Oblastnaya avtonomiya i edinstvo Rossii. M., 1906. 15 s.
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Krasnyakov N.I. Sistema natsional no-regional nogo upravleniya v Rossiyskoy imperii: vtoraya polovina XVII nachalo KHKH vv.: avtoreferat dis. ... doktora yuridicheskikh nauk: Novosibirsk, 2019. 37 s.
Lazarevskiy N.I. Avtonomiya / N. Lazarevskiy // Pravo. Ezhenedel naya yuridicheskaya gazeta. SPb., 1906. № 2 (15 yanvarya). S-Pb. S. 73 90.
Lazerson M. YA. Avtonomiya i federatsiya. Pg., 1917. 38 s.
Pimenova E. Edinstvo gosudarstva i federatsiya. Pg., 1917. 16 s.
Platonov V.M. Federalizm kak produkt zapadnoy pravovoy kul tury // Vestnik RUDN. Seriya: YUridicheskie nauki. 2017. T. 21. № 4. S. 528 540.
TSyrempilov N.V. Buddizm i imperiya. Buryatskaya obshchina v Rossii (XVIII nach. XX v.). Ulan-Ude, 2013. 338 s.
SHevtsov V.S. Federalizm i Rossiya. Tom I. M., 2008. 512 s.
SHevtsov V.S. Federalizm i Rossiya. Tom II. M., 2008. 499 s.
YUsubov E.S. Nekotorye problemy teorii rossiyskogo federalizma // Rossiyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal. 2009. № 4. S. 117 123.
YAshchenko A.S. Teoriya federalizma: Opyt sinteticheskoy teorii prava i gosudarstva / A. YAshchenko. YUr ev: Tipografiya K. Mattisena, 1912. 841 s.
L pine, Fr d ric. A Journey through the History of Federalism. Is Multilevel Governance a Form of Federalism , L apos;Europe en Formation, vol. 363, no. 1, 2012, pp. 21 62.
Law, John (2013) How Can We Define Federalism , in Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. E 88 120.
Riker W. H. Federalism: origin, operation, significance. Riker. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1964.
federalism, history of federalism in Russia, federal relations, autonomies, theory of federalism, federation.
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