Games of the World Behind the Scenes: Views of the Jurist P. S. Romashkin
( Pp. 85-94)

More about authors
Sushkova Yuliya N.
Ogarev Mordovian State University
Saransk, Russian Federation
The article examines the institution of monopolies from the point of view of influence on world processes. The prominent Russian jurist P.S. Romashkin characterized the post-war era from the standpoint of strengthening militarism in Western states, expressed in a significant increase in the state budget, a significant part of which was military spending. P. S. Romashkin drew attention to the considerable role of the American-British monopolies in arming Hitler's Germany, which provided loans to create a powerful military industry, arming the Wehrmacht. The researcher argued that Hitler's Germany could not have resisted for so long if a number of cartel agreements between the largest American and German monopolies had not contributed to this. A striking example of the use of war to get out of economic decline was the role of American monopolies in unleashing a war against the Korean people.
How to Cite:
Sushkova Y.N., (2022), GAMES OF THE WORLD BEHIND THE SCENES: VIEWS OF THE JURIST P. S. ROMASHKIN. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 85-94.
Reference list:
Romashkin P. S. Amnesty and pardon in the USSR. Moscow: Gosyurizdat, 1959. 364 p.
Romashkin P.S. Electoral systems of the countries of the world: handbook. M.: Gospolitizdat, 1961. 336 p.
Romashkin P. S. The power of monopolies. M.: Politizdat, 1958. 276 p.
Romashkin P. S. Crimes against peace and humanity. Moscow: Nauka, 1967. 357 p.
Sakharov A. N., Buganov V. I. The history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XVII century. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1999.
Sushkova Yu.N. Pyotr Semenovich Romashkin - a big man. Moscow: Publishing House of Mordovians. un-ta, 2017. 320 p.
monopolism, P.S. Romashkin, national liberation movement, American imperialism, militarism.

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