The World’s Oldest Pots: On the Dispersal of the Ceramic Innovation among Eurasian hunter-gatherers since the Late Glacial period
( Pp. 66-78)
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Piezonka H.
professor, DoS
the Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory at Kiel University
the Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory at Kiel University
The earliest ceramic vessels of the world have
been produced in southern China by Late Glacial hunter-gatherers in the remote
times around 18,000 calBC. Over the following millennia the new technology
became known among forager communities in the Russian Amur region, in Japan,
Korea, Transbaikalia and ultimately appeared also in the Urals and in eastern
and northern central Europe. Contrary to common views of pottery as part of the
“Neolithic package”, the Eurasian hunter-gatherer ceramic tradition is an
innovation that developed completely independent of other Neolithic traits such
as agriculture, animal husbandry and sedentary lifestyle. The article explores
the chronological sequence of the appearance of hunter-gatherer ceramic vessel
production on the basis of radiocarbon dates in northern Eurasia from the
Pacific coast to the Baltic and outlines promising methodological approaches
that currently play a role in researching this much-discussed topic.
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