General Bennigsen and his notes on the Patriotic War of 1812
( Pp. 97-102)
More about authors
Zheltoborodov Alexander N.
kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry Gumanitarnyh nauk
Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture
The reason for writing this work served as
identified in the study of the historical literature of the contradictions in
the assessment of the individual general L.L. Bennigsen and his activities in
command posts of the Russian Imperial Army during the Napoleonic Wars of the
beginning of the XIX century. The unsuccessful participation of the Russian
army in the wars against Napoleonic France in the first decade of the 19th
century caused a negative reaction in Russian society and the search for the
culprits of these failures. A convenient figure for such accusations was
General Bennigsen, a citizen of the Elector of Hannover in the Russian service.
However, the general himself, with his military service, as well as setting out
his vision of the campaigns against Napoleon in his memoirs, consistently and
persistently proved his allegiance to the oath, high military professionalism
and training. In the subsequent official historical interpretation of the
events of the Napoleonic Wars, especially the Patriotic War of 1812, General
Bennigsen was assigned the role of an intriguer and a swindler, who, by his
actions, interfered with the successful field leadership of the Russian army by
Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov. But the analysis of the campaign of the campaign of
1812, the battles in which General L.L. Bennigsen and his memoirs showed that
this is far from the case. Therefore, when no longer relevant power and
ideological imperatives that influence the public opinion, etc., and as time
went to reconsider the assessment of the personality of General Bennigsen and
his contribution to the victory of Russia over Napoleonic France. This will
allow us to approach objective truth in the study of historical processes at
the beginning of the 19th century. Further study of the activities of the
military leaders and staffs of the Russian army by expanding the source base of
historical research, including archival documents and memoirs of participants
in the Napoleonic wars in European countries, will bring these studies to a new
level of historical knowledge.
How to Cite:
Zheltoborodov A.N., (2020), GENERAL BENNIGSEN AND HIS NOTES ON THE PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 97-102.
Reference list:
Memoires du general Bennigsen. Charles-Lavauzelle, Paris, 1907.
Bennigsen L.L. Zapiski o voyne s Napoleonom 1807 goda. M., 2012. 384 s.
Bennigsen L.L. Pis ma o voyne 1812 g. Kiev, 1912. 152 s.
Bennigsen L.L. Spisok o sluzhbe generala ot kavalerii grafa Bennigsena. Iyulya 19-go dnya 1816 goda // Russkiy arkhiv, 1874. Kn. 1. Vyp. 2. Stb. 826 - 832.
General graf Leontiy Leont evich Benigsen / Soobshch. V. I. Bayushevym // Russkiy arkhiv, 1868. Kn.2. Vyp.11. Stb. 1837 - 1860.
Zemtsov V.N., Popov A.I. Borodino. YUzhnyy flang. M., 2009. 104 s.
Lyakhovo// Otechestvennaya voyna 1812 g. Entsiklopediya. - M., 2004. - S. 432
Maykov P.M. Zapiski grafa L. L. Bennigsena o voyne s Napoleonom 1807. SPb., 1900. 268 s.
Eydel man N. YA. Tvoy vosemnadtsatyy vek. Otkrytiya, bunty, perevoroty. M., 2016. 320 s.
Bennigsen L.L. Zapiski o voyne s Napoleonom 1807 goda. M., 2012. 384 s.
Bennigsen L.L. Pis ma o voyne 1812 g. Kiev, 1912. 152 s.
Bennigsen L.L. Spisok o sluzhbe generala ot kavalerii grafa Bennigsena. Iyulya 19-go dnya 1816 goda // Russkiy arkhiv, 1874. Kn. 1. Vyp. 2. Stb. 826 - 832.
General graf Leontiy Leont evich Benigsen / Soobshch. V. I. Bayushevym // Russkiy arkhiv, 1868. Kn.2. Vyp.11. Stb. 1837 - 1860.
Zemtsov V.N., Popov A.I. Borodino. YUzhnyy flang. M., 2009. 104 s.
Lyakhovo// Otechestvennaya voyna 1812 g. Entsiklopediya. - M., 2004. - S. 432
Maykov P.M. Zapiski grafa L. L. Bennigsena o voyne s Napoleonom 1807. SPb., 1900. 268 s.
Eydel man N. YA. Tvoy vosemnadtsatyy vek. Otkrytiya, bunty, perevoroty. M., 2016. 320 s.
historical figure, military leader, Napoleonic wars, Russian imperial army, Patriotic war of 1812.
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