The Marxist concept of Russian history
( Pp. 88-96)

More about authors
Andrey V. Trofimov
Ural State University of Economics; Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokina
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Syktyvkar, Russian Federation
The article considers the cognitive possibilities of the Marxist macrotheory to explain the historical path traversed by Russia. The analysis of the content of modern textbooks for higher education, which use Marxist principles (unity of humanity and the historical process; historical regularity; determinism; progress) and the option of periodization of history (feudalism, capitalism, socialism). Based on the identified content, as well as the publications of modern researchers, an interpretation of the Marxist conceptual version of Russian history is presented. The article considers the cognitive possibilities of the Marxist macrotheory to explain the historical path traversed by Russia. The Marxist (universalist, formational, historical-materialist) theoretical system provides researchers with proven historical and methodological tools based on: 1) materialistic dialectics, explaining the causes of historical development, its spiral character; 2) the doctrine of communism, explaining the meaning of history, the progressive orientation of the historical process; 3) the theory of socio-economic formations that substantiates the periodization of history; 4) the determining role of economic (mode of production) and social (class struggle, social revolution) factors in history; 5) the search for objective and subjective factors of the historical process. The system-forming concept of this historical model is the concept of a socio-economic formation - a society at a certain stage of historical development, a historically defined type of society.
How to Cite:
Andrey V.T., (2020), THE MARXIST CONCEPT OF RUSSIAN HISTORY. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 88-96.
Reference list:
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Marxist macrotheory, history of Russia, world-system approach.

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