Inverse problems of plasma discharge control in a tokamak with iron core
( Pp. 11-20)
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Andreev Valery F.
doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk; fakultet vychislitelnoy matematiki i kibernetiki
Lomonosov Moscow State University Popov Alexander M. doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk, professor; fakultet vychislitelnoy matematiki i kibernetiki
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University Popov Alexander M. doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk, professor; fakultet vychislitelnoy matematiki i kibernetiki
Lomonosov Moscow State University
A mathematical model has been developed to calculate the discharge scenario and program regime in the tokamak with taking into account the nonlinear behavior of the iron core. The model includes the solution of two-dimensional equilibrium problems, and the evolution of the integral parameters of the plasma is described by the Kirchhoff equations. An effective numerical algorithm is proposed that allows one to solve the incorrect inverse equilibrium problem when holding currents are found for a given geometry and plasma parameters to ensure this equilibrium. On the example of the tokamak T-15, the equilibria and the program regime are calculated.
How to Cite:
Andreev V.F., Popov A.M., (2020), INVERSE PROBLEMS OF PLASMA DISCHARGE CONTROL IN A TOKAMAK WITH IRON CORE. Computational Nanotechnology, 2 => 11-20.
Reference list:
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Bondarchuk E.N., Doynikov N.I., SHmal ko G.I. Analiz sistemy poloidal nykh poley ustanovki T10M. Preprint № P-B-0430, NIIEFA. L., 1979. 13 s.
Aymar R., Leloup G., Pariente M. Equilibrium field and current determination for tokamak // EUR-CEA-FC-821. 1977. 32 p.
Dnestrovskiy YU.N., Kostomarov D.P., Popov A.M., TSaun S.V. Kvazistaticheskoe modelirovanie razryada v tokamake s zheleznym serdechnikom. Preprint IAE-3510/7. M., 1981. 39 s.
Bont A. et al. Technical description of JET poloidal field system // IAEA Techn. Comm. Meeting on Large Tokamak Exper. Princeton. 26.11-01.12.1976. Pr. 115-21.
Mukhovatov V.S. Tokamaki. V kn.: Itogi nauki i tekhniki / pod red. V.D. SHafranova. Ser. Fizika plazmy. M., 1980. T. 1. CH. 1. C. 6-118.
Belyakov V.A., Vasil ev V.I., Kochin A.G. i dr. Issledovanie poloidal nykh magnitnykh poley na ustanovke Tuman-3. Preprint NIIEFA P-G-0555. L., 1982. 20 s.
SHafranov V.D. Ravnovesie plazmy v magnitnom pole. V kn.: Voprosy teorii plazmy / pod red. M.A. Leontovicha. M.: Gosatomizdat, 1963. Vyp. 2. S. 92-131.
Andreev V.F., Dnestrovskiy YU.N., Kostomarov D.P., Popov A.M., TSaun S.V. CHislennoe modelirovanie ravnovesiya plazmy v tokamake s zheleznym serdechnikom. Preprint IAE-4056/7. M., 1984. 43 s.
Andreev V.F., Dnestrovskiy YU.N., Kostomarov D.P., Popov A.M., TSaun S.V. Matematicheskie modeli ravnovesiya plazmy v tokamake s zheleznym serdechnikom // Fizika plazmy. 1986. T. 12. № 4. C. 387-396.
Dnestrovskiy YU.N., Kostomarov D.P. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy. M.: Nauka. 1982. 320 s.
iron core, discharge scenario, program regime, inverse problem.
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