( Pp. 68-73)
Fedorova Irina Gennad’evna
Filimonova Tatyana Sergeevna
Zhuravlev Evgeniy Vasilyevich
Vasiliev Viktor Vladimirovich
More about authors
Fedorova Irina Gennad’evna
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Filimonova Tatyana Sergeevna inzhener
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Zhuravlev Evgeniy Vasilyevich nachalnik laboratorii «Upravlenie zhiznennym ciklom izdeliya» NIO-101
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Vasiliev Viktor Vladimirovich inzhener 2 kategorii
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Filimonova Tatyana Sergeevna inzhener
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Zhuravlev Evgeniy Vasilyevich nachalnik laboratorii «Upravlenie zhiznennym ciklom izdeliya» NIO-101
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Vasiliev Viktor Vladimirovich inzhener 2 kategorii
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
The article discusses methods for creating digital models of aircraft piping standards. Based on the conducted experimental work, an analysis of the methods for reproducing the products was carried out to select a rational method for reconstructing the product. The article describes in detail various methods for creating digital models of aircraft pipelines. Based on the results of the work and the results obtained, the methods under consideration were evaluated and conclusions were drawn on the effectiveness and feasibility of their application. To increase productivity and choose a rational method of reproduction, the standards were investigated and classified according to technological characteristics into groups. During the experiment, all types of aircraft pipeline standards were tested and the optimal measurement method for each group was selected.This work showed that the use of modern reverse engineering technologies in the aviation industry is relevant, since today there are no alternative solutions to reduce the time spent on creating a digital reference base. Reproduction of aircraft pipelines is not only a problem for domestic enterprises. In the USA and Europe, such a solution has been applied at all advanced enterprises for many years, for example, Boeing, Airbus. Our foreign colleagues have successfully implemented reverse engineering at various stages of production. To restore the lost design documentation (CD) in a short time, reverse engineering is used, which allows you to get a high-precision digital product model from the existing physical standard of the pipeline. This article discusses the successful application of technology in Russia.
How to Cite:
Fedorova I.G., Filimonova T.S., Zhuravlev E.V., Vasiliev V.V., (2019), ESTIMATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING REVERSE ENGINEERING IN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY. Computational Nanotechnology, 3 => 68-73.
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