( Pp. 174-179)

More about authors
Zhiltsova Valentina I. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: professor kafedry «Ekonomika i upravleniya»
NOU VPO "Institute of Economics and Management", Pyatigorsk Krymskaja Tatiana N. kandidat pedagogicheskih nauk. Dolzhnost: docent kafedry «Ekonomika i upravleniya»
NOU VPO "Institute of Economics and Management", Pyatigorsk
The article presents the results of marketing research of mountain tourism in the Elbrus region. A survey of tourists from different regions of the country involved in mountain tourism and visited the Elbrus region in 2014 about their formed impressions about the rest in this area and the quality of provided services allowed the authors to analyze ways of recreation, the factors shaping demand, assessment of the level of services rendered, the demographic characteristics of tourists, orientation and geography of routes of mountain tourism in the Elbrus region. The results, according to the authors, will allow representatives of all sectors of the travel industry to balance its policies and model plans on next holiday seasons.
How to Cite:
Zhiltsova V.I., Krymskaja T.N., (2015), MARKETING RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF PRIELBRUCE’S MOUNTAIN TOURISM. Business in Law, 6 => 174-179.
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