( Pp. 256-258)

More about authors
Zakharova Elena N. doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor
Adyghe State University (Maikop) Kodzhamanyan Svetlana M. soiskatel kafedry ekonomiki i upravleniya
Adyghe State University, Maikop
This paper considers the specific characteristics of cultural goods which determine the need to support their producers by the state. The author studies the peculiarities of manifestations of «cost of disease» in the market of cultural goods and mechanisms of leveling their consequences.
How to Cite:
Zakharova E.N., Kodzhamanyan S.M., (2016), CULTURAL GOODS AS A SPECIFIC PRODUCT ON THE SERVICES MARKET. Business in Law, 6 => 256-258.
Reference list:
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cultural goods, patronized goods, meritoria good, "disease costs", state support in the sphere of culture.

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