Annual leave and payment procedure
( Pp. 9-12)

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Korshunova Tatyana Yu. veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik otdela zakonodatelstva o trude i socialnom obespechenii, kandidat yuridicheskih nauk
Institute of the legislation and comparative jurisprudence at the Government of the Russian Federation
The imperfection of the current legislation in the sphere of leave and payment necessitated analysis and detection of collisions and gaps. A comprehensive analysis of the labor code and the tax code, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation revealed as a comprehensive and consistent regulation of the provision of various types of vacations as a time of rest and contradictions in the provision and vacation pay that has a special purpose for the employee. As a result, conclusions are drawn and suggestions for improvement of the existing legislation. The materials and conclusions of the study can be used for further development of labor law in General and in the practical improvement of legal regulation of the provision (payment) of all types of leave. The work is intended for specialists in the field of labor law, graduate students majoring in «labor law», practical employees.
How to Cite:
Korshunova T.Y., (2014), ANNUAL LEAVE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE. Business in Law, 6 => 9-12.
Reference list:
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paid annual leave, special leave, the right to rest.

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