Legislation on bank system of internal control news
( Pp. 237-243)

More about authors
Yushkova Svetlana D. k.e.n., docent
Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Legislation changes of bank internal control and audit have been analyzed. The comparison with the international legislation has been carried out, accents put on enhancement of the board of directors and bank management role and responsibility for a high-quality system of internal control.
How to Cite:
Yushkova S.D., (2014), LEGISLATION ON BANK SYSTEM OF INTERNAL CONTROL NEWS. Business in Law, 5 => 237-243.
Reference list:
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Polozhenie Banka Rossii Ob organizatsii vnutrennego kontrolya v kreditnykh organizatsiyakh i bankovskikh gruppakh (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami ot 24.04.2014g.) ot 16 dekabrya 2003 g. N 242-P
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Polozhenie o sluzhbe vnutrennego kontrolya OAO Ural skiy bank rekonstruktsii i razvitiya sayt: http://www.ubrr.ru/about/otchet/info/ustav i in/
Sistema vnutrennego kontrolya OAO AIKB Tatfondbank , sayt: https://tfb.ru/sharer/control/ cityselect 67
Polozhenie o Sluzhbe vnutrennego audita OAO BANK URALSIB sayt: http://www.bankuralsib.ru/bank/documents/ index.wbp
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Informatsionno-analiticheskiy dokument o sovremennykh rekomendatsiyakh mezhdunarodnykh finansovykh institutov (standards setting bodies), ustanavlivayushchikh standarty finansovoy deyatel nosti, v oblasti korporativnogo upravleniya i sistem upravleniya riskami i o polnote i stepeni realizatsii etikh rekomendatsiy krupneyshimi rossiyskimi kreditnymi organizatsiyami - uchastnikami Samootsenki sistemy upravleniya riskami i korporativnogo upravleniya v banke http://www.cbr.ru/analytics/bank system /ssurkub.pdf
the system of internal control, corporate culture, Basel, the methodology of the Bank, internal audit, compliance.

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