Key decisions in portfolio brand management
( Pp. 147-150)

More about authors
Khizhina Anastasia Mikhajlovna aspirant, st. marketing-menedzher
Johnson& Johnson LLC
Key decisions in portfolio brand management taken by marketing specialists and brand managers describes in this article. Summarizing author notes that the most important decisions are long-term brand portfolio strategy development, portfolio relevance support and company`s position strengthening compared to competitors. Brand portfolio management we see as a dynamic permanent process which is influenced by different external and internal factors. And more efficient company manages these factors more efficient one manages brand portfolio.
How to Cite:
Khizhina A.M., (2013), KEY DECISIONS IN PORTFOLIO BRAND MANAGEMENT. Business in Law, 3 => 147-150.
Reference list:
Kapferer ZH.-N. Brend navsegda: sozdanie, razvitie, podderzhka tsennosti / Per. s angl. M.: Vershina. 2007.
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the brand portfolio management, the role of brand in the portfolio, audit portfolio, portfolio strategy, the relevance of the portfolio, the complexity of the portfolio, global brand management.

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