( Pp. 21-28)

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Khmelevsky Sergey V. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent; kapitan 1 ranga zapasa.
In present article argued, that for a long period of history (end of XIX - early XXI centuries) evolution of based on insurance and social protection national pension systems of economically developed countries of West took place in form of its convergence. In other words, states, where pension systems were formally constructed mainly on principles of insurance (model of Bismarck), introduced guarantees of minimum pensions, and countries, which pension system had been built on principles of social protection (model of Beveridge), introduced elements of mandatory and voluntary pension insurance.
How to Cite:
Khmelevsky S.V., (2016), EVOLUTION OF PENSION INSURANCE IN SOME FOREING COUNTRIES. Business in Law, 2 => 21-28.
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