Pre-Revolutionary conception of Civil Legislation in the Russian Empire: historiography of the problem
( Pp. 24-30)
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Taraborin Roman Sergeevitch
k.yu.n., docent. Dolzhnost: zaveduyuschiy kafedroy teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava.
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of RF – Urals Institute
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of RF – Urals Institute
The article contains historigraphic analysis of development of civil law conception in pre-revolutionary Russia in 18th – 19th centuries. The author identifies and justifies the main stages in interpretation of civil legislation in imperial (pre-revolutionary) period of evolution of Russian civil law. An overview and evaluation of the significance of research findings of D.I. Mayer, A.I. Kranichfeld, N.F. Rozhdestvenskiy, S.V. Pachman, G.F. Fershenevich, K.N. Annenkov and other researches in historical and legal retrospective is also provided in the article. The author arrives to a conclusion that historiography of the imperial period represents a fundamental significance in researching civil legislation of Russian Empire. This conclusion is justified by the fact that civil legislation has been analyzed from the point of view of its evolution and development, taking into account law enforcement practices, and on the basis of a solid information database.
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Reference list:
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systematization of legislation, civil law of Russia, legal thought in Russia of XIX in, historiography of the Russian civil law, the history of legal science.
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