( Pp. 79-87)

More about authors
Ivonin Yuriy P. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, professor kafedry gumanitarnyh osnov gosudarstvennoy sluzhby
State Service Siberian Institute of Management - Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation Ivonina Olga I. doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor, professor kafedry vseobschey i otechestvennoy istorii
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The purpose of study. The article analyzes different explanatory models and classifications of the "scientific school" concept as it is used in scientific community and in actual normative documents. It is stated that within the framework of classical methodology emphasis was placed on the structural characteristics of the scientific school, its specific genesis determined by historical context and social conditions that ensure the production of reliable scientific knowledge. Later sociology and philosophy of science focused on the study of the "scientific school" evolution as a process of changing its paradigms and research tools. The postmodern paradigm of the scientific school abandons its previous understanding as a special kind of reality, relying on the effectiveness of virtual collaborations, project and network forms of science. The relevance of the study of the Tomsk Historiographic School and its place on the map of modern science is determined by its leadership in the so-called "historiographic revolution", which changed the image of historical science and the "craft of the historian". Sources and research methodology. To analyze the ego-sources of the Tomsk Historiographic School (THS), the methodology of interdisciplinary synthesis was used, combining the research principles of the sociology of science and the scholar approach, which made it possible to identify the specific features of THS in the system of modern historical knowledge. Conclusions. The result of the study of the emergence and development of THS, the evolution of its subject field, theoretical foundations and the historical concepts formed by it, became the identification of THS proposed by the authors as an example of a special professional culture of the local scientific community, whose moral credo and civic position determined the research preferences and the trajectory of scientific research of its members. Heuristic and spiritual and moral potential of the school shows its viability given the classical culture of academic standards, their demand for modern scientific community. The original methodology of historiographic research developed by representatives of this school seems to be universally significant. A significant update of the research tools for comprehending and understanding the past, proposed by Tomsk methodologists, can be used in modern practice of studying various areas of historical knowledge.
How to Cite:
Ivonin Y.P., Ivonina O.I., (2021), CLASSICS LESSONS OF THE TOMSK SCHOOL OF HISTORIOGRAPHY AND METHODOLOGY OF HISTORY. History and Modern Perspectives, 2 => 79-87.
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Tomsk historiographic school, scholar approach, historian's craft, methodology of history.

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