Irina G. Prokhorova
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Higher School of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation , Moscow, Russian Federation
Conditions for the Successful Adaptation of Domestic and Foreign Experience in Assessing Sustainable Regional Development in the Domestic Program-target Concept of Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №6 2022: 71-76
Sociological Analysis of the Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship as a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Region
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №4 2023: 137-142
The Role of Import Substitution in Providing Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №5 2023: 96-101
Use of Projection Research Methods in Determining the Key Characteristics of Service Positioning
Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №6 2024: 247-253