Alexander S. Grigoryan
Cand. Sci. (Law), independent researcher
International Legal Aspects of Ensuring State Sovereignty and Jurisdiction on the Leased by the Republic of Finland Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal
Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №3 2022: 90-97
International Legal Aspects of Development of the Treaty Relations between the USSR/Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland Regarding the Lease of the Soviet/Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal
Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №3 2022: 303-311
The Future of the Treaty on the Lease by Finland of the Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal in the Light of Finland’s Accession to NATO
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2022: 302-310
About Some Aspects of International Legal Regulation of Russian-Chinese Bilateral Relations
Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №5 2023: 115-121
About Some Approaches to the International Law In British Scientists’ Researches (Part I)
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2024: 203-213
About some Approaches to the International Law in British Scientists’ Researches (Part II)
Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №5 2024: 103-115