Synthesis of a Table-type Tonal Arithmetic Device
( Pp. 95-102)

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Kozhevnikov Aleksey A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor; Department of Socio-humanitarian, Natural Science and General Professional Disciplines of the Branch of Rostov State Transport University. Voronezh, Russian Federation. Author ID: 236104; E-mail:
Rostov State Transport University
Voronezh, Russian Federation
One of the obstacles to the further development of the capabilities of high-speed measuring technology is the limitations of digital electronics in terms of the ADC control circuit. The paper proposes to use an alternative approach based on arithmetic in the system of residual classes, while discrete phases of harmonic signals are used as the basis for coding modular numbers. Before a high-speed ADC control scheme is implemented, it is necessary to theoretically justify the functioning of basic computing devices. The article discusses algorithms for the operation of a tabular arithmetic device and a phased key with a high rate of state change. A simple model of the computational path is given in order to focus attention on possible problems with the microwave signal. Modern achievements in the field of potential semiconductor and superconducting instrumentation are analyzed.
How to Cite:
Kozhevnikov A.A. Synthesis of a Table-type Tonal Arithmetic Device. Computational Nanotechnology. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 1. Pp. 95–102. (In Rus.) DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2023-10-1-95-102
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residue number system, analog to digital converter, arithmetic device.

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