( Pp. 111-113)

More about authors
Kurbanova Aseeyat S. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry pravovogo obespecheniya upravleniya
Institute of Public Administration and Law SUM (State University of Management)
The article devoted to the contradiction of certain provisions about education of the constitutional standards. The article analyzes the norms of constitutional, domestic and educational legislations and regulates required level of education. It is considering expediency of legislative establishment of the duty in getting secondary education for underage students and range of people responsible for the not fulfilling of this obligation. Research will help to resolve the collision of norms, establish and differentiate the liability of parents for failure of responsibilities to obtain general education
How to Cite:
Kurbanova A.S., (2017), THE MANDATORY LEVEL OF EDUCATION IN RUSSIA. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 111-113.
Reference list:
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basic General education, secondary General education, the responsibility of parents, compulsory education.

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