( Pp. 130-134)

More about authors
Mochalov Evgeny V. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor kafedry filosofii
Federal state budgetary educational institution of the higher education Mordovia State University
The article for the first time attempts to analyze the creative heritage of M. Buber as a theoretical source of views of M. M. Bakhtin. The presented study of Buber's works «I and You», «The Problem of man» allowed to draw a conclusion about the influence of Buber's ideas on the formation of the Bakhtin concept of dialogue, speech genres, the novel word, to expand their semantic field.
How to Cite:
Mochalov E.V., (2019), MARTIN BUBER AND MIKHAIL BAKHTIN: A DIALOGUE ACROSS TIME. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 130-134.
Reference list:
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