Construction of the Eurasian Symbolic System in the Context of Disintegration/Integration and Disconnection/Connection with the Soviet Symbols
( Pp. 149-156)

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P. Ten Yulia Doctor of Philosophy; Professor at the Department of Management and Innovation
The author offers the symbolic approach to understanding the nature of the construction of the Eurasian identity in the framework of the EAEU as the result of (dis-)integration and (dis-)connection with the Soviet symbols. The goal of the research is to provide the interdisciplinary analysis of shaping the EAEU’s symbolic identity. The symbolic and dialectic approaches are used. The main idea consists in the suggestion that the symbols are social technology of creating EAEU’s identity. The article argues that EAEU’s symbolic system is shaping on the logic of (dis-)connection and (dis)integration with the meanings of the symbolic system of the USSR. The dialectic logic of integration and connection means greater interaction of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Russia. A logic of history of integration and connection is determined on the attempt to revive the Soviet symbols which can be the basis for the construction of common symbolic system. The inner strength of such integrative process lies in the fact that the new phenomenon of the EAEU is not seeking the reincarnation of the old symbols of the Soviet era, serving the expression of utopian ideas. The key findings of the research can be the basis for the practical recommendations in terms of the Eurasian cultural policy.
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Eurasian Economic Union, symbol, symbolic system, Eurasian identity, symbolic system of EAEU.

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