Financial Subjectivity as a Criterion for Assessing Financial Culture
( Pp. 71-77)

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Kunizheva Diana A. postgraduate student; assistant at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the research. The article substantiates the methodological principles for assessing financial culture with the introduction of the key criterion “financial subjectivity”. The rationale for the importance of studying the financial culture of modern man, his place in the world of finance, the level of subjectivity is given. In the conceptual framework of the study, the definitions of economic culture, financial culture, subjectivity and financial subjectivity are considered with reference to the works of A. Smith, J. Akerlof, R. Schiller, M. Foucault, V.V. Radaev. The scientific novelty of the study is the introduction and substantiation of the concept of financial subjectivity - a completely new category in sociological and economic knowledge, which opens up opportunities for a person to proactively comprehend new circumstances, take more effective actions in times of uncertainty, as well as inclusion (rooting) in the financial culture of society and in the economic the system as a whole. Results. The author clarifies the concept of assessing financial culture as an individual’s ability to manage meanings, values and tools in financial situations in order to achieve goals and reduce the risks of uncertainty determined by the financial culture of a particular economic system. Proposals are presented for developing a system of criteria and indicators of financial culture with the inclusion in it of the criterion of financial subjectivity, expressing subjective values and the meanings that economic entities put into their daily financial activity.
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financial culture, economic culture, subjectness, economic person, financial literacy.

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