( Pp. 77-83)

More about authors
Firstaev Vladimir S. zamestitel direktora departamenta zanyatosti naseleniya, truda i socialnogo partnerstva
the Agency for the Development of Human Potential and Labor Resources of the Ulyanovsk Region Lastochkina Olga F. referent departamenta zanyatosti naseleniya, truda i socialnogo partnerstva
the Agency for the Development of Human Potential and Labor Resources of the Ulyanovsk Region
The purpose of the research work is a new public service introduction which is provided on the territory of the Russian Federation from January 01, 2019 by the employment service. It provides the employment assistance for the disabled moreover there is no law enforcement practice on this issue. Social integration features as conditions of ensuring full life to the disabled are considered in the works of foreign authors such as Parsons, C. Mills, J. Turner, D. Ritzer. But the emphasis on the features of employment assistance of the disabled by employment service employees is not found in their scientific works. The scope of the research. The research contains an analysis of the provisions of the Federal Law of 29.12.2017 No. 476-FZ «On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation «On Employment in the Russian Federation» as well as the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 03.08.2018 No. 518n «On Approval of the Federal State Standard of Public Services in the Employment Assistance of the Disabled». The results of the scientific work can become the base of the guideline for employment service employees. Practical value. This work is intended to fill existing gaps in the work of employment centers which provide employment assistance for the disabled. There are recommendations for best organization the employment assistance process of the disabled.
How to Cite:
Firstaev V.S., Lastochkina O.F., (2019), ON SOME FEATURES OF THE STATE SERVICE SUPPLY ON EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE OF THE DISABLED. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 77-83.
Reference list:
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