( Pp. 144-146)

More about authors
Dadova Zalina Ismelovna Cand.Sci.(Philology), Associate professor of the State, Civil and Law Disciplines Department
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The development of information and communication technologies has presented great opportunities to users. However, along with a number of positive aspects related to personal development possibility, it has given rise to a number of problems. The article examines the current problem of adolescents Internet addiction. The author considers Internet addiction as one of the serious types of teenagers’ deviation. It is noted that adolescence is a complex and controversial period of infusion of a young person into society. The factors contributing to deviation are analyzed. The author draws attention to the causes of the deviation and emphasizes the role of psychologists, teachers and parents in solving the problem.
How to Cite:
Dadova Z.I., (2019), ADOLESCENTS INTERNET ADDICTION AS DEVIATION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 144-146.
Reference list:
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