A Diachronic Study of the Construction of Civic Ethics in China
( Pp. 96-105)

More about authors
Chu Defeng Dr. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor; Director at the China Association for the Study of Dialectical Materialism; academic supervisor of Masters; Depu-ty Secretary General at the Institute of Marxism
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Shanghai, China
Civic ethics, as a special ideology, is ultimately determined by the economic foundation and is always the product of concrete, realistic and specific industrial relations and social relations. Among the various social forms, the main content of civic ethics and the way of its construction vary greatly. Conduct a diachronic study of civic ethics, explore the main content of civic ethics and the ways of its construction in various social forms and make up the inevitable logic, academic orientation and basic theoretical field of research in the field of building civic ethics.
How to Cite:
Chu D.., (2022), A DIACHRONIC STUDY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIC ETHICS IN CHINA. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 96-105.
Reference list:
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